Pick Slanting Technique on Guitar: A Comprehensive Guide

Pick Slanting Technique on Guitar: A Comprehensive Guide

Learning to play the guitar is a rewarding journey that requires dedication and practice. As a guitarist, you constantly strive to improve your skills and explore new techniques to enhance your playing. One technique that can greatly improve your guitar playing speed and precision is pick slanting. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of pick slanting technique on guitar, explaining its importance, how to do it correctly, and how it can benefit your overall playing. So grab your guitar, and let’s dive in!

Understanding Pick Slanting

Before diving into the specifics of pick slanting, let’s take a moment to understand what it actually means. Pick slanting refers to the angle at which you hold your pick in relation to the strings while playing. The angle can either be upward slanting (towards the ceiling) or downward slanting (towards the floor). This technique is utilized to facilitate efficient string skipping, alternate picking, and sweeping across the strings, resulting in smoother and faster playing.

The primary goal of pick slanting is to minimize the friction between the pick and the strings, allowing for a clean and precise attack. By using the correct pick slanting technique, you can achieve greater control over your picking hand and unlock new possibilities in your playing.

The Mechanics of Pick Slanting

To effectively utilize pick slanting in your playing, you must understand the mechanics behind it. When holding the pick, the edge of the pick should make contact with the string before the flat part of the pick. This ensures a smooth glide across the string, reducing excess resistance and enabling faster picking.

Additionally, the angle at which you hold your pick will depend on the direction in which you want to move across the strings. If you want to play ascending lines, an upward slant is preferred, while a downward slant is ideal for descending lines. Experiment with different angles to find what feels most comfortable and allows for optimal speed and accuracy.

Benefits of Pick Slanting Technique

Implementing pick slanting technique into your playing can have numerous benefits. Here are a few advantages of incorporating pick slanting into your guitar technique:

1. Increased Speed

Pick slanting allows for smoother and more efficient string transitions, enabling you to play faster passages with ease. The reduced friction between the pick and the strings helps in achieving higher speeds without sacrificing accuracy.

2. Enhanced Accuracy

By utilizing pick slanting, you can achieve greater control over your picking hand, resulting in improved accuracy. The angled pick position allows for precise attack on the strings, minimizing the chance of unwanted string noise or accidental muting.

3. Versatility

Pick slanting technique is not limited to a specific genre or style of music. Whether you play rock, blues, metal, or jazz, incorporating pick slanting into your technique can add a new dimension to your playing and expand your musical horizons.

How to Incorporate Pick Slanting into Your Playing

Now that you understand the concept and benefits of pick slanting, let’s discuss how to incorporate it into your playing:

1. Start Slow

As with any new technique, it is essential to start slow and gradually build up speed. Begin by practicing simple exercises and scales, focusing on maintaining the correct pick slanting angle. Pay attention to your hand position, pick grip, and the motion of your picking hand.

2. Use Metronome

Practicing with a metronome is crucial for developing a sense of timing and building speed. Set the metronome to a comfortable tempo and gradually increase the speed as you become comfortable with the pick slanting technique. Remember to stay relaxed and maintain a consistent motion.

3. Combine with Other Techniques

To truly benefit from pick slanting, it is essential to combine it with other techniques such as string skipping, alternate picking, and sweeping. Incorporate these techniques into your practice routine to strengthen your overall guitar playing skills.


Pick slanting is a valuable technique that can significantly enhance your guitar playing. By incorporating pick slanting into your playing, you can achieve increased speed, enhanced accuracy, and greater versatility in your playing. Remember to start slow, use a metronome, and combine pick slanting with other techniques to maximize the benefits. So grab your guitar and start practicing pick slanting technique to take your playing to the next level!